We start the Prospects with those under center
Did you enjoy the LIX? We do our best...
We have our Conference Champions. Most of the US is not pleased. What else is new?
As the weather outside ramps up, so do our final 4 teams with a Ticket to Super Bowl LIX on the line
You either win Super Bowl LIX or get ready for crashing reality. What will it be?
Letting you know who will get the big jobs and win the bigger games
Just one more Week to decide all who are ready for the off-season now.
So few playoff spots left, I tell ya!
On MNF we saw Homer Vs. Bart. But we're talking about the forgotten Simpson: OJ
With Winter Football comes the cold, hard truth that this may not be your team's year
The football holiday of Thanksgiving is upon us! Time to sit on the couch and eat.
There's so many songs about Shades and the Sun, but this season feels like Sheryl Crow.
Are the Bengals turning it around? Was Bryce Young driving the car that hit Dalton? We ask the big questions!
Is your team a 'Well-run Organization' or is there a Tombstone on your season?
Another week of brutal injuries. Most bad...
Week 6 left a bad taste, one where we can't force a trade to a better situation.
Oh my, It's a Fire Sale(h)!
Scott's pumped about the start to the ‘24 season, but must keep the 'finger guns' holstered.
After Week 3, We now can safely say that we know nothing at all. Ain't football great?
How many more QBs must suffer in the silver and Carolina blue?